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WirelessNetView tool shows nearby networks, their data and security level.

WirelessNetView is a free Windows tool that helps users monitor and analyze the wireless networks surrounding them and their computer. In addition to simply counting the number of networks, the tool provides detailed information such as frequency, signal strength, security levels, and connection history. This makes WirelessNetView a valuable resource for individuals who are interested in monitoring their own wireless connection as well as those of nearby networks. WirelessNetView enables users to not only see how many networks are available in their vicinity, but also provides a deeper insight into the technical details of each network. This can be particularly useful for individuals who want to ensure the security and stability of their own network, as well as those who are curious about the connection status of neighboring networks. Overall, WirelessNetView offers a comprehensive overview of the wireless networks in the area, making it a handy tool for anyone looking to monitor their internet connection and that of others in their vicinity.

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